Canada Pardon Services
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Canada Pardon Services specializes in assisting any person with Canadian criminal records to obtain the Canadian Pardon and the U.S. Entry Restriction Waivers.

Get your
Federal Pardon
American Waiver
Waiver Application
US Entry Waiver Form
Online Pardon Evaluation
Canada Pardon Services
Call Toll Free: 1-866-630-3660


How many offences do you have ?
What was the last offence?
Weapons Offence
Threats or violence offences
What is the approximate date of your last conviction?
Select conviction type:

Information about your last sentence

Date of last fine payments
(if any):
How long was your last probation: Months
Incarceration: Months

Personal Information

Full Name*
Federal Pardon
US Travel Waiver
Learn more about the U.S Waiver.
The Pardon can help you in:
  • Traveling to USA / other countries
  • Applying for a job and career advancement
  • Working as a volunteer
  • Rental approvals
  • Child custody cases
  • Working with kids
  • Adoption
  • Education opportunities
  • Your ability to be bonded
Pardon Guaranteed
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